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Epilepsy Foundation

   Donations to this organisation are tax deductible  This organisation accepts volunteer labour

The Foundation is Australia's premier support agency for all people affected by epilepsy. Last year we provided support to over 6,000 clients and community education to over 30,000 people.

We provide counselling, support, advocacy and information for people with epilepsy, families, friends, carers, service providers, employers and the general community.

A wide range of books, pamhlets and information sheets, videos, kits and other items are available covering epilepsy issues, including Australia's most comprehensive epilepsy Library.
Based in Camberwell there are offices in Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong and Moe.

Support can be given by donations, bequests, raffles or special events such as Trivia Challenge in schools and the Junior Australia Quest.

Epilepsy Foundation
587 Canterbury Road
Surrey Hills, VIC  3127
Ph: 03 8809 0600
Fax: 03 983602124
Web: http://www.epinet.org.au
Email: [email protected]

ABN: 75 967 571 784       DGR: Endorsed / Approved

Donations to this organisation are tax deductible   Donations to this organisation over $2.00 are tax deductible. *
This organisation accepts volunteer labour  Volunteering:
Phone 03 9805 9111 for details
Email this address [email protected] listing your contact
details and how you might be able to help.

* Checking your organisations tax deductibility status
Although every effort is made to ensure that organisations provide correct information, to be absolutely sure of the tax deductibility status of an organisation you should check with the Australian Business Register.

To update the information for this organisation you must be an employee of the organisation and hold the login details. If you have lost those details they may recovered here.
The eFirst Group