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Mother's Against Drink Driving Australia

   Donations to this organisation are tax deductible  This organisation accepts volunteer labour

MADDA a victims action group is new to Australia. This volunteer run group supports families who are struggling with the loss of a loved one due to Drink Driving incident. The members also lobby government in regards to drink driving laws and raise awareness in the community about the dangers of alcohol in relation to driving. We are more than happy to hear from others who have a heart to reduce the drink driving road toll.

Mother's Against Drink Driving Australia
9 Mason Street
Dandenong, Victoria  3175
Ph: (03) 9794 9296
Fax: (03) 9793 1006
Email: enquiries@MADDA

ABN: 62 569 195 128       DGR: Not supplied

Donations to this organisation are tax deductible   Donations to this organisation over $2.00 are tax deductible. *
This organisation accepts volunteer labour  Volunteering:
Phone (03) 9794 9296 for details
Email this address leanne@MADDA listing your contact
details and how you might be able to help.

* Checking your organisations tax deductibility status
Although every effort is made to ensure that organisations provide correct information, to be absolutely sure of the tax deductibility status of an organisation you should check with the Australian Business Register.

To update the information for this organisation you must be an employee of the organisation and hold the login details. If you have lost those details they may recovered here.
The eFirst Group