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Cerebral Palsy Support Network

   Donations to this organisation are tax deductible

Cerebral palsy is the most common childhood physical disability in Australia. Every 15 hours, a child in Australia is born with cerebral palsy. The Cerebral Palsy Support Network (CPSN) is a not-for-profit organisation based in Melbourne, Victoria which provides information, resources and support to children and adults with cerebral palsy. Starting out as a local community support group comprising individuals and parents of children with cerebral palsy, the CPSN has grown to encompass an extensive range of information and crucial support services to families living with cerebral palsy.

Cerebral Palsy Support Network
525 High St
Preston, Victoria  3072
Ph: (03) 9478-1001
Fax: (03) 9015-6439
Web: http://www.cpsn.org.au
Email: [email protected]

ABN: 26044741609       DGR: 453432

Donations to this organisation are tax deductible   Donations to this organisation over $2.00 are tax deductible. *

* Checking your organisations tax deductibility status
Although every effort is made to ensure that organisations provide correct information, to be absolutely sure of the tax deductibility status of an organisation you should check with the Australian Business Register.

To update the information for this organisation you must be an employee of the organisation and hold the login details. If you have lost those details they may recovered here.
The eFirst Group