Orana Incorporated
Orana Incorporated is a member-based organisation which provides a range of services for over 500 people with intellectual disabilities and their families throughout South Australia.
Orana was formed in 1950 by parents who were seeking educational, vocational and training opportunities for their children with intellctual disabilities who had formerly been denied access to such opportunities.
Since the time of Orana's formation, the care and support of people with intellectual disabilities within their own community has been a cornerstone in the development of our services. This philosophy is now reflected very clearly in Orana's extensive network of localised, community-based services throughout the metropolitan and country areas of South Australia.
Orana's broad objective is is to provide opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities to reach their full potential. To this end, Orana provides access to supported employment services, employment training, supported accommodation and respite services.
At present Orana runs 13 employment centres and 6 accommodations services.
Each service offers people with intellectual disabilities the opportunities and the supports necessary for them to live as valued and productive community members and to achieve the level of personal self reliance and independence which is appropriate to their needs and abilities.
Orana Incorporated
763 South Road
Black Forest, SA 5035
Ph: (08) 8371 1077
Fax: (08) 8293 5148
Web: http://www.oranaonline.com.au
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 60 426 516 114 DGR: 900 147 995
Donations to this organisation over $2.00 are tax deductible. *
| Volunteering:
Phone (08) 8371 1077 for details
Email this address [email protected] listing your contact details and how you might be able to help.
* Checking your organisations tax deductibility status
Although every effort is made to ensure that organisations provide
correct information, to be absolutely sure of the tax deductibility
status of an organisation you should check with the Australian Business Register.
To update the information for this organisation you must be an employee of the organisation and hold the login details. If you have lost those details they may recovered here.