Landcare Australia Ltd The Landcare Foundation is a vehicle for raising funds for the landcare movement in Australia.
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Lara Jean Association Inc. Lara Jean Association Inc helps families who have children that suffer from rare genetic disorders.
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Latter Rain MISSIONS Ministry Life Centre Reaching out to feed the poor and needy in this nation of Australia through free feeding.
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Lavington Occasional Childcare Association Inc providing quality childcare at resonable prices.
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Learning Links Learning Links is an Australian charity assisting children who have difficulty learning and their families.
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Legacy Legacy cares for the dependants of deceased Australian war veterans and those killed on hazardous service or in training for war.
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Legacy Club of Adelaide Legacy cares for the dependants of deceased veterans
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Lesmurdie Community Recreation Centre Community Recreation Centre. Targets - youth, children, seniors, family and day activities, etc.
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Leukaemia Foundation of Australia Limited Vision to cure. Mission to care.
Leukaemia. There is a cure. Help us find it.
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Life Education NSW Help Keep Kids Off Drugs - Life Education NSW provides the best and most effective drug education programs
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Life Education SA Inc A drug & health education resource for all school students.
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Life Education WA (Inc.) Life Education WA (Inc.) aims To empower the young to make the best choices for a safe life, through our leading drug and health education programs.
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Lifehouse at RPA Lifehouse at RPA will holistically incorporate cancer treatment, care, research and education in a state-of-the-art facility opening later this year.
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Lifeline Australia Inc Lifeline is an essential service with a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention which includes the national 24 hour telephone counselling service 13 11 14. On any day, at any time, for anyone, there are between 40 -60 volunteer telephone counsellors available 24 hours a day, for the cost of a local call.
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Lifeline Canberra Lifeline Canberra is a 24hour telephone counselling service.
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Lifeline WA (Living Stone Foundation Inc) Lifeline WA is a non-profit organisation providing Telephone Counselling (13 11 14); Dads@Lifeline supporting fathers and their children after separation or bereavement; Lifeline Education Services LivingWorks Suicide Intervention Training and Awareness programs
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Lifestart Co-operative Ltd Helping special kids with intellectual disabilities or developmental delays to reach their full potential
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Lighthouse Foundation Working towards reducing homelssness amongst young people within a family environment, supported by the community
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Limbs 4 Life Inc. Limbs 4 Life provides support and information to amputees.
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Limelight Foundation Incorporated The Limelight Foundation Incorporated is a not-for-profit organisation, offering support services associated with depression, anxiety, mental disorders and stress related issues.
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