TAD Disability Services TAD Disability Services is the only charity in NSW which designs and builds custom equipment to enable people with disabilities to lead more independent lives.
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TADAS Assisting people with disabilities to achieve maximum independence.
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TADVIC - Technology for Independent Living TADVIC's purpose is to solve equipment-related problems faced by people with disabilities, including the frail aged, through the design, construction or modification of equipment where the need cannot be met commercially.
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Taronga Foundation The Taronga Foundation - Inspiring the community to create a better future
for wildlife and our children
Contact - Christina Palmer,
Zoo Parent Coordinator, Taronga Foundation
Tel: 02 9978 4540 - email [email protected]
All donations to the Foundation are tax deductible
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TEAR Australia Christian Action With the World's Poor
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Technology Assisting Disability WA Inc., Providing technical solutions for people with disabilities, the frail aged and carers.
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Ted Noffs Foundation The Ted Noffs Foundation assists troubled young Australians.
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Teen Challenge Qld Teen Challenge provides prevention, drug treatment programs and crisis accomodation for young people.
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Telethon Institute for Child Health Research The Institute is dedicated to finding improved treatments, causes and cures to prevent the most devastating childhood diseases.
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The Abbeyfield Society (Australia) Ltd. Abbeyfield assists community groups to provide supportive group accommodation for low income older people.
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The Alfred hospital The Alfred hospital provides acute medical care to the people of Victoria
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The Artists Foundation of WA The Artists Foundation of WA is Western Australia's leading representative visual arts organisation.
AFWA operates as a membership organisation, providing professional advice, services and representation to members.
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The Australian Genies We grant wishers Inc CHILDRENS WISH GRANTING CHARITY.
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THE AUSTRALIAN LUNG FOUNDATION "When you can't breathe, nothing else matters"(TM).
The Australian Lung Foundation is a leading national benevolent institution dedicted to lessening the burden of lung disease in Australia, through the raising and distributing of funds for medical research, public education, patient and carer support. Generous donations and volunteer support for our programs genuinely appreciated.
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The Bell Shakespeare Company The Bell Shakespeare Company is a national theatre company which is Australia's pre-eminent performer of the works of William Shakespeare.
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The Berne Education Centre Berne is a school providing a positive education option for students in Years 7 - 10 whose education is at risk. The Centre is for students who are behaviour disordered, school refusers or who are not coping with traditional schools, either academically or emotionally.
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The Bradley Wolf Braeve Heart Retreat Assoc Inc Accomm facilities for the disabled and disadvantaged in a bushland setting in country Qld.
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The Brain Injury Association of NSW The Brain Injury Association (BIA) of NSW is the state "Peak" organisation in NSW for people who have had a brain injury and their families/carers.
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The Buoyancy Foundation of Vic Drug counselling and therapeutic activities
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The Burdekin Association The Burdekin Association assist young people (12-21) who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
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